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A small calibre server for accessing my books

kubectl create namespace library
kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingressroute.yaml
kubectl apply -f smb.yaml


The first time configuration must be done automatically. I could not locate a way to automate it. Furthermore the proxy authentication is not perfect. We have to first create manually the users in the database of calibre-web Furthermore, for the opds catalogue to work, we have to activate the anonymous browsing from the menu. Probably a bug in the calibre-web. Theoretically it should not be a problem, since we are behind our proxy and authentication

Usefull commands

nohup rsync -avh --progress --bwlimit=10000 /home/anagno/Books/ . > nohup2.out 2>nohup2.err < /dev/null &
mount -t cifs -o username=anagno,password=anagno // smb_books/
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=anagno,password=anagno // smb_books/
cd smb_books/
sudo rsync -avh --progress --bwlimit=10000 /home/anagno/Books/ .
sudo umount smb_books 
rm -R smb_books/

